Whoa, here we go. I've been inspired by one of my friends who updates regularly, and I'm back on track to doing the same.
Life is good right now. I mean, it’s good all the time, but right now especially. I’m looking at what it would take to graduate in April with an English degree, and then getting certified from there, but I’m not so sure about that option. Why would I want to shorten my BYU experience? I don’t think so.So I'll probably apply to the teaching major again, if not in the Winter, next fall.
Did you know you can subscribe to a Digital version of the NYTimes, complete with reader software, through the daily universe’s website? http://newsnet.byu.edu/section.cfm/home if you’re a BYU student, that is. It’s pretty sweet. This will stop my sprint to the HRCB every day, and save trees!
Yesterday I was sitting in the
Also, I just bought this blik design , I think we’ll put it in our kitchen. It will just fit our little hardwood floors. Hee hee.
ps my date on Saturday was not the best date I have ever been on in my life, mostly because of my social incompetance under pressure, and if you want the details I'll call you and detail my embarrassments, but I don't feel like posting them on the web. But I don't think anything will happen. It's okay. There are plenty of other boys. Amazing ones.
pps I saw High School Musical 3 on friday, and if you liked the first one, and heaven forbid, the second one, you will not be disappointed. It was good. Just let out your inner-11 year old, and it will be a-MAZE-ing