Wednesday, April 15, 2009

break break break

So today I took the first legitimate break in I don't know how long. I got home, had a snack and then felt very strange, because nothing was due imminently. Naturally I decided to go hang with pals, because that's what I do, and I was much surprised/pleased by seeing my friend Alisha over at Shawn's apartment!!! We actually ended up going out to eat (Noodles and Co.) and then hitting up Barnes and Noble which was great.

I'm sorry I haven't blogged in forever. There are a few experiences I'd like to type up and share with the world, but just funny little things, not big things. Like today I realized I dance with the vacuum at the MTC. Not really 'with' of course, because I am vacuuming, but I was listening to "Kiss the Girl" (that's right, you wish you had my work playlist of Disney classics) and after about the third chorus (I think I felt like spinning in place) I realized I was dancing along with the music. Like, making my steps coincide with the beat. I bed they don't see action like that in the MTC lobby much. Good thing it was 6am, that's all I have to say. I need to go dancing.

Also, my pick for American Idol? Totally Anoop, baby. I'm a fan. He could sing me to sleep any day (in a good way).

ps I miss you Marae!!!!


frizzles16 said...

You finally blogged again!!!

Marae said...

call me,
you know,