Tuesday, February 10, 2009

new friends

So today I made two new friends.
One is a boy I met walking back from devotional. I had noticed we were walking at the same pace as we left and upon discovering that he was going to hover somewhere around the edge of my peripheral vision unless I sped up or slowed down, I decided to talk to him. My opening line, you may ask?

"Hey, wanna be friends?"

It's just that easy.

Also Josh Guest ran into me on campus, and that was awesome, to say the least. In fact, I think the least that can possibly be said about it is the word 'awesome'. He introduced me to my friend Lisa, sitting on the other side of me, as we all enjoyed a lifesaver. Josh checked out my MacBook Air, and we exchanged vague updates about our life in witty repartee. Not to mention Josh rehearsing to me how to have a successful marriage. It was great.

1 comment:

J. Guest said...

I don't believe I recall that ever happening.

Love you craploads, my dear!