Thursday, February 5, 2009

quote day

Today...I went to work. And then I worked some more. And then I went to Linguistics class. And then I studied (and ran into Lindsay!) and then I took a test. :( And so forth. I've been pretty much just running around today.

Best part of my day:
Definitely eating Panda with Shawn.
Also: Seeing Shari and Spencer at the testing center!!!

Quotes from the day:
James: It would be like a really cool wink. (talking about wiggling one ear at a time at his date)

Kristy: I've lost my brain! (talking about internship/writing fellows/classes and she got ENGAGED!!)

Teacher: Is there a Klingon over here? (because there was one group who studied the klingon language in class today)
-Heidi raises her hand.

Otro ejemplo:
Hannah: Are you a Klingon.
Joy: No, I'm a McDonald. (another group studied the Mc morpheme)
Anna: Ouch! Id' rather be a Klingon!

Lastly: I'm pretty dang tired, and I'm goin' to bed. I love you!!


Unknown said...

awwww. That was one of the highlights of my day too (actually pretty much the highlight...I don't do much on Thursdays)

Tae said...

I love you too, Bets! ;)