Friday, January 1, 2010


I am stuck downtown in my parents office because I succumbed to my allergies of furry things around 12:30 am New Years Eve. So Mom packed up supplies, and we went down to the office to camp out until my runny nose subsided.

I have yet to return home because I hate runny noses, and sneezing. Mom left this morning, and brought me food today, and I've been watching movies and chillaxing in her office in the recliner. It has been a one of a kind New Years.

My sole consolation in confinement has been this awesome video. I love it.


Eliza said...

What have we learned?

1. When I tell you "you must" about anything, you know it will be good.

2. We must get a large, large dog with floppy ears to dance with.

p.s. I am sorry you have allergies.

megan b. said...

so sorry about the allergies! thanks for the christmas text it made my day! hope you have recovered from your wisdom teeth. i had a nasty infection when i got mine out. i hope you had a great time at home! how was emily and thomas's reception!? i wish i could have seen those two together!