Monday, December 29, 2008

Updates all around, with a side of snow and ice cream

Today is too awesome of a day not to write about. I woke up slightly not on time, but I got dressed, and started painting the basement door for my 1 hour of chores (mandatory in the rennovating Sieber house project) and I listened to Elder Eyring while I did it. I love that man. I listened to all of "Waiting upon the Lord" and the very beginnings of "Always." I feel like Elder Eyring really speaks to me in a way I can understand about the gospel, in a way I can relate too. He'd so awesome. It was great.

Then I showered, got ready, and after setting up the facebook event for Mr. Walker's party tomorrow (We're having Mr. Walker over for dinner, and inviting other former east high kids to come have desserts with us) Mom and I went cross country skiing. That was fun, even though I kept falling down. Eventually we got Mom to try to take a picture of me fallen down, but she was having technical difficulties. We did take a BFF picture though.

We ran to st. vinnie's real quick where i found a new formal jacket I like, and new pants, and four new books, and by new I mean old. Collections of Short stories and stuff, it's great. But by the time we were done there I was late for meeting Travis and Craig at Hansens. It wouldn't have been a problem for me to have been dropped off at Hanson's by Mom, except that I was wearing ski boots. Now, wearing ski boots in st vincent depaul--hey, who cares, right? But wearing ski boots at Hansens? Problem. Luckily, we happened to buy Louisa a new pair of shoes while we were there, and so I switched those for my ski boots just before we hit Hansen's.

Ice cream at hansen's was the best. I'm finally getting used to Craig's beard I think. We talekd about life and school and stuff. He's actually graduated, a real adult now. Gosh. We had finished the updates pretty much by the time Travis showed up (at which point I got another serving of ice cream) and then Travis filled us in on his life, we reminisced a bit more and then Travis took me home.

Came home, had dinner, and then we had family night. For lesson I shared an mp3 which is a collection of quotes from the Prophets and Apostles bearing testimony of the Savior, it was amazing. It is such a great track. It was even better to sit there with my parents because they could say "Oh, this is President Bensen" like they actually knew who was who on some that I didn't know (although I did recognize President Kimball, and Bruce R.).

For activity we played a game where one person writes a sentance on a piece of paper, passes it to the next person, who illustrates that sentance, and they fold over the written portion, so the next person they hand it to only sees the picture, and they have to write a sentance from that picture. Rinse and repeat.
Written: Mom wants to go to France.
Illustrated: a feminine stick figure/airplane/the eiffel tower.
W: Betsy wants to fly to the eiffel tower
I: Heart/ plane/a bunch of lines that look like a narrow upsidedown fan. teepee ish almost.
W: I love flying poles
I: Heart/long rectangle horizontal things with lines indicating rapid movement
W: My girlfriend betraed me and threw spears at my heart.

And that wasn't even the best one. I think I'm going to scan them all and make a facebook album. That way our children can see how wacky we were. They were hilarious.

Then I went out with a friend for hot chocolate at Kavarna, although we had initially planned it at the Attic, but they were closing, so we went to Kavarna, and then to Cafe Express till close. It was fun. I swear I could talk to that kid forever.

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