Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Locked Out!

The other day, I was locked out of my apartment after work. At 10 am the office (so I can be let into my apartment free of charge) still isn't open yet, and so I was left in somewhat of a quandary. I went over to my neighbor's apartment (they often house me in times of distress) but as I did so, I posted on my facebook status that I was locked out. Shortly thereafter I received a text from someone (hero of mine!) posting on my status. Her name is Elise. She asked if I would like to be picked up, and housed at her house for a while. I responded, "Of course!" Elise and I know each other through our mutual friend and roommate (as well as relative--ok so I am not related to her, but I like to pretend I am) Marae.

As I crawled into Elise's car (I was still feeling a bit under the weather from my sickness earlier in the week) I heard the familiar strains of Missy Higgins, an australian artist beloved by all (those previously mentioned in this post that is) and felt so at home, it was marvelous. Elise asked me if there was anywhere I needed to go and I said that I needed to get something to eat, and she said I could have breakfast at her house! Further delights ensued. We went to her place, which is this wonderful old house, near center street, and she set me up with some delicious fruit, ginger and lemon tea, and a fuzzy blanket. After we talked for a while she let me loose on the movie collection, and I selected The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe for the day's amusements. While I was enjoying this trip back to the contented sick days of childhood (doesn't everyone need a nurse to take care of them occasionally?) Elise's roommate Emma made cookies, and offered me some! Oh heaven!

It was, overall, a remarkable rescue. I would like to state for the record, that the next time I got into Elise's car, the stereo was playing Meiko. Such is the sweet stuff my life is made of.

Also, can I just say, that sometimes the friends I make because I lock myself out far outweigh the losses of said lockout. I think because there is some sort of bond created when one person helps another person. And if I were never in need, I would never be able to be helped, and have friends because of it. Lucky then, that I am not perfect, because if I were, I can only conclude that I would be lonely in my perfection.

I am feeling mostly better (thanks to this wonderful treatment, no doubt!)

Elise and I also spent time together yesterday, when she took me on a few errands. Among these was dropping off some gently-used possessions at DI. As we pulled into the drop-off area, Elise saw a lovely rug, and asked if they really had to price things before we could buy them. The DI employee helping us, asked if we wanted it (the rug) and then asked if we could fit it in our car. We could. Hurrah for goodness having its own reward!


Marae said...

sounds magical! and of course we're related. i can't wait until we have a guest bedroom so you and/or elise can visit whenever you like.

i am missing all of the fruit i used to eat! looks really yum. and i miss missy higgins. and all of those things and yooou!

Elise said...

A whole blog post! wow, Betsy you know how to be appreciative!

I like the lonely in my own perfection thought...you've got a good mind.

please get locked out more, or just come & visit.

Plus, thanks for the karma. the rug was perfect for our Asain FHE dinner that night.