Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Ball

So Becca decided that we needed to be properly attired in masks for the formal dance this week, and we took some pictures of the process. We went and got paint at the local costume shop, and I let Becca have at it (meaning my face). I think it turned out really well, one boy at the dance didn't even recognize me!

Just the outline of a mask in silver pencil, with some gold dust on the inside:

Becca hard at work:

Closer to the final product:

We have some more pictures of all the roommates with the final product (Becca changed my hair eventually too) which I will post later.
 Finally, all the glitter I peeled off my face at the end of the night:

It was a really fun dance. There were quite a few girls dressed up like us, and the actual dancing was great as well. All I have to say is that I'm going to have to work on my skills to make it in this ward. Overall, it was definitely worth it, and definitely a great experience.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

That ball was definitely amazing :) You looked gorgeous. And sparkly masks are loads of fun ;)